Online Pre-Employment Tests Streamline Lab's Hiring Process
Posted Sep 11, 2018 in LMT Surveys
When hiring new staff members, Killian Dental Ceramics in Irvine, CA, uses an online tool to help screen its technical and administrative candidates. With each ad it runs on, the lab includes a link to online pre-employment tests administered and analyzed by Criteria Corp.
Applicants are asked to complete two assessments: The Employee Personality Profile measures 12 personality traits—including assertiveness, cooperativeness, patience and stress tolerance—that can provide insight into a person’s work style and behavior and whether or not they’re well suited for a manufacturing/production position.
The Basic Skills Test determines job readiness and predicts trainability by gauging basic math, verbal and communication skills as well as assessing attention to detail. Each test takes about 20 minutes to complete and evaluates the candidates...