3D BioCAD Zirconia From 3D BioCAD
Posted Nov 20, 2013 in Technical
DENTAL TEAM: Gyu Cho, CDT, 3D BioCAD Milling Center, Renton, WA and Dr. Ronald Bryant, Seattle
RESTORATIVE PROBLEM: The patient presented with severe occlusal wear on his natural teeth; the lower anterior teeth were also very crooked and discolored. The existing crowns also exhibited wear, tissue retraction, dark margins and uneven shades from one crown to the next. Teeth #5, #12 and #14 were missing, requiring implants.
TREATMENT PLAN: A full-mouth restoration with 28 units was proposed and had full compliance from the patient. The team opted to use gold-hue abutments to provide a very natural, warm appearance beneath the restorations—full contour 3D BioCAD zirconia for all the molars and 3D BioCAD zirconia copings with layered porcelain for all bicuspids and anterior units. 3D BioCAD was chosen because of the material's esthetics and translucency; the discs are manufactured using isostatically pressed Tosoh zirconia powder under high pressure...